Living in a rented accommodation is quite a different experience from living in the comfort of your own home. While most of us move out due to education right after school, some lucky souls get to experience this only once they start working. The comfort of your own home is not easy to duplicate in another person’s house, as pointed out by Asif Balwa of DB Realty fame. But this does not stop us from turning a house into a beautiful home with our preferred items.
Shifting to a new rented place comes with a number of responsibilities. From managing the basic necessities to dealing with the formalities of rent agreement and police verification, a lot of work is involved. Apart from this, you also need to maintain an amicable equation with your landlord. In case of any emergency or household maintenance, they are your go to people. The equation also depends a lot on the rent agreement and the clauses proposed by the landlord. While most of the agreements do not contain details about the tenant’s guests, it often becomes a point of tension between the resident and the landlord. In situations where the landlord lives away from the rented accommodation, it is not much of an issue. But when the landlord is in the same building, at some point or the other, the tenants have to deal with complaints about the guests at their place.
This has been a long standing debate as to who should have the last say in this matter: the landlord or the tenant. While some believe that since it is the owners’ property, he/she gets to decide the rules for the guests. To enjoy a hassle free living it is advisable to choose a place that fits your lifestyle. It is best to have a mutual understanding with your landlord and come to a middle ground to settle the matter in case the conditions aren’t met.
Legal Views: There are no specific legal restrictions that a landlord can enforce on the tenant with respect to guests. There could be rules implied by the housing society which need to be adhered by all tenants and residents. But the landlord cannot impose something by himself or herself. They cannot charge extra when a guest arrives or put a cap on the time they can spend with the tenant. Most of the times bachelors face the issue of the landlords having an issue with friends or colleagues from the opposite gender visiting the tenants. None of these are legally supported and should be clarified before finalising a location to stay at.
Maintaining a healthy relationship: Though not a compulsion, it is always beneficial to be on great terms with your landlord. The dealing, in terms of agreement, rent and guests, should be transparent from the very beginning. If you’ve agreed to a certain set of rules, they should be adhered to. One also has to be mindful of respecting the neighbours. These are a few ways in which your landlord would get no complaints while you enjoy a hassle free life.
If you’re looking for houses in Mumbai, Asif Balwa led DB Realty Group has some of the best flats available in town. They have houses ranging from basic to luxury segments to match all your requirements. ss