To choose which type of roof will be used in the construction, the professional must carry out several studies on the land where the work is located. It is necessary to observe the geographical position of the land, analyze the solar incidence and wind direction, and the local climate and which weather conditions the building may be exposed to. Call us today for an inspection.oneworldroofing.com
Once these studies are done, it will be possible to select the best types of roofs that suit the needs and climate of that location. There are different types of roofs, varying their water configurations, materials used, and models.
Let’s learn more about each of these points to help you select the ones that best fit what you want to build.
Amount Of Water
The first point to consider is how much water the roof will have. Roof water is defined as the divisions of the roof where waterfalls and their amount are defined mainly by the size of the house.
2-Water Roof
The gable roof is one of the most used models, indicated above four-square meters, and there is a need to drain the water to both sides. The roofs are commonly divided by the centerline of the house, the ridge. There are two types of gable roofs: the cangalha and the American one.
The Roof Of 3 Or More Waters
The models with three or more waters are used more commonly for larger houses or those with a different architectural design.
Another factor that defines the types of roofs is the material used in both the structure and the roof. Currently, the materials used are the most diverse, from the most traditional options to the most exotic. However, the most used materials are made with wood or metal.
An exciting point to mention is the tiles. They play a fundamental role in the creation and completion of a roof. Below are the most common materials for their production.
- Ceramic tile
- Metallic
- cement
- Polycarbonate
- Glass
- Green roof
Generally speaking, the structure is composed of shears, purlins, beams, rafters, laths, and trusses. Also, call a professional for emergency service.