There are many ways to make your home more beautiful. One of the easiest, and often overlooked, is landscaping. There are a number of simple things you can do to update your yard without hiring an expensive contractor or spending hours outside on your hands and knees with gardening tools. You may not be able to transform the landscape in one day, but by following these tips for beautifying your home with a simple landscaping makeover, you will see dramatic changes!
Plant A Variety Of Flowers To Create Color And Life:
There are many plant types, including flowers, shrubs and vines. Each garden area should contain a variety of plants for visual interest. The right amount is partially subjective: your goal is to have enough varieties that no one plant type takes over the space, but also enough that you get a great showing of color from spring through fall.
Wrap It Up!
You don’t need a large yard to enjoy landscaping makeovers! By arranging three or more trees together horizontally and wrapping them with moss-covered twine, you can create an interesting focal point in any yard. If the trees aren’t too tall they can even span most yards–perfect for smaller spaces!
A Walkway Made From Pebbles
Although gravel is a great alternative for a walkway (it’s cheap and easy to maintain), sometimes the traditional brick path is more aesthetically pleasing. You can create a pebble-style paved walkway in your yard by buying bags of small, smooth river rocks. They’re about the size of your thumb, which makes them easier to place than much larger ones!
Use Natural Materials
Many homeowners choose manufactured stone or concrete because it looks better longer than natural ones; however, you can get great looking rock walls with minimal upkeep by using basic landscaping techniques. Incorporate plants inside the wall so they grow up along with it–that way you don’t have to worry about weeds or lawns growing around it! If you do decide on a manufactured wall, consider a cement one or an imitation stone; those are much more versatile than concrete and will hold paint better.
For Smaller Gardens, Plant In Pots
If you have only a small space to work with, you can still create a beautiful garden by placing your plants in large containers rather than digging holes for them directly into the earth. There are many styles available; if it suits your home use terra cotta ones, but stick with larger-sized pots that won’t overwhelm the yard when empty. They’re especially good for flowering plants because they allow light to reach all areas of the container. If you don’t house them inside during winter be sure to put away any plants which could sustain frost damage well before the first frost.
You can also use hanging baskets to create a beautiful landscaping makeover in small spaces! The flowers and plants you choose will need to be chosen carefully because of the exposure, but with the right care these containers can look just as lush as larger ones planted on the ground.
To Make Your Yard More Interesting, Try Using Living Walls
Living walls are much more than grass or gardens created from plants that grow outwards; they’re actually made from materials which grow upwards! For example, ivy is perfect for climbing any sort of wall, especially brick or stucco. Other types include ferns and some flowering vines like morning glory or clematis. If you’re looking for something with color, year-round consider a flowering vine!
Use Lighting To Create A Dramatic Change
Lighting is an easy way to enhance the beauty of your home. You can add skylights on top of rooms for natural lights, or add lamps or floodlights around your house or yard to illuminate special areas at night. Use light fixtures in hidden parts of the yard like behind bushes so they’re not visible during the day. To decorate using lighting try changing up bulbs with colored ones, especially around holidays (red and green for Christmas, pink and red for Valentine’s Day, etc).