Moka is the official name of the Italian coffee maker by Alfonso Bialetti in 1933, which now dominates Italian homes. The invention revolutionized the way of preparing coffee and popularized the espresso in Italy and in the world. Legend has it that Bialetti had the idea when observing washerwomen who used a boiler to scald and sanitize clothes. For that you will have to go for the best best thermal carafe coffee maker now.
1 Cup Moka
The origin of the name of the Italian coffee maker is linked to the city of Mokha in Yemen. This is, in fact, one of the first and most popular areas of coffee production. To get an idea of the importance, Voltaire talks in his book Candide about the protagonist’s journey to the Ottoman Empire and at some point Candide is offered a drink prepared “with Mokha’s coffee”.
- The original, octagonal model, made in aluminum and with a narrow waist like the women of the time, has undergone few changes over the years. From 1933 until the late 1940s, Moka’s production was handcrafted and limited to the local market. In the early years, sales were very weak, but in the 1950s sales jumped with the help of advertising campaigns and Moka became the market leader.
- Today it is estimated that 90% of Italian houses have at least 1 Moka at home and Bialetti has become a symbol of quality. In addition, it is considered by many to be the best Italian coffee maker in the world for its quality and durability. Italian Moka coffee makers, moreover, are still much more accepted than French presses (french press).
Are you also part of the team that can’t live without caffeine? Having a cup of coffee every morning is a good way to wake up and, at the same time, guarantee energy to face the routine. But, instead of preparing the coffee manually, how about using a coffee maker to speed up the process? Here, we have prepared a simple tutorial for making coffee in the coffee maker without making mistakes. Check out!
Coffee preparation step by step
- Start by placing a paper filter in the coffee maker. It is worth noting that some machines already come with their own strainer (made of cloth) that must always be washed after use. If this is the case, make sure the filter is clean.
- Place the coffee powder inside the filter, always paying attention to the measurements . Ideally, you should use one tablespoon of coffee for every 100 ml of water. You can also check the recommendations in the coffeemaker manual (some recommend specific proportions). Over time, you can customize your own proportion (depending on whether you like stronger or weaker coffee, for example);
- The time has come to place the filtered water in the indicated compartment (that is, at the rear of the coffee maker). Remember to follow the proportions mentioned above so as not to err in the amount of water. It is important that you really put the water in the indicated compartment, ok? Some people pour the water directly into the filter with the coffee powder, but this is one of the biggest mistakes.
- After putting the water in the right place, plug the coffee maker into the outlet, press the button and let it do the work on its own.