You may have seen the different types of bathtubs that exist on the market, here we will try and make them slightly easier to understand.
We will consider names such as clawfoot, freestanding, drop-in, undermount and jetted bathtubs to give you a clearer understanding of what is out there.
Keep reading to understand more deeply what you might be buying into!
Let’s start off with clawfoot bathtubs. These bathtubs are extremely popular with those who follow vintage style trends. It is very common to see these slanted at the back whilst the sides dip down to help submerge your body better. Structurally, they are commonly supported by four feet, as dictated in the name, to improve the structure of the tub. This serves a practical but also aesthetic function, as they can appear very aesthetically pleasing if placed in the right environment, such as a bathroom with a vintage vibe to it.
Next, let’s consider freestanding bathtubs. These are very structurally similar to clawfoot bathtubs, but these can vary heavily. Notably however, they do not have the clawed feet supporting the tub’s structure. Unlike it’s more vintage counterpart, freestanding bathtubs offer more of a modern design, coming in colors such as white to help it fit into a variety of modern environments where it aesthetically appears the best.
Unlike the previous two tubs, the drop-in tubs are commonly connected to walls or other features. This allows for stylistic and practical functions where the tub’s edges meet the surfaces. Also, unlike the other bathtubs these are cheaper in comparison, and are built with a variety of functions in mind, such as compartments which can be used to store a variety of things to use whilst bathing, allowing for a much easier experience.
Undermount bathtubs are very luxurious tubs that thrive in expensive looking environments. They are made from a variety of materials but most notably white marble, where a similar style bathtub thrives beautifully. These tubs are extremely aesthetically pleasing for this reason, but also serve great practical functions as well. But they heavily rely on the presence of a serene environment to allow for the most beautiful bathing experience.
Next, let’s consider a bathtub that offers one of the best experiences for baths that require the fixing of pains, the jetted style tub. Jets can be used in this bathtub on your problem areas, allowing the rejuvenation of a variety of bodily aches. This maximizes the level of comfort that can be achieved by a bathtub, as whilst it is nice to lay back and enjoy the serenity of your environment in an equally comfortable bathtub, having a bathtub that nearly functions as an optional hot tub is going to be very hard to beat, making this an extremely luxurious choice, one which can be made from a variety of designs to best fit into your bathroom, also making them one of the best tubs on the market to consider.