There’s no doubt that the digital age has opened up a world of effective advertising that helps businesses find and keep customers. Yet, with all benefits of digital marketing, there are still some areas where print media is essential. Most companies rely on a printing company to create custom business cards and unique brochures. Printed infographics and instructions just work better for a lot of people.
Business Cards Remain Valuable Tools
For centuries, business cards have been used to brand companies and exchange information. Although millions of people now catalog the names of contacts using mobile devices, digital records cannot take the place of well-designed traditional business cards. Handing out an eye-catching card at a trade show or other event makes a positive impression that often sticks in a person’s memory. Many business people still consider cards to be vital networking tools.
Brochures Provide Important Content
While not every organization uses brochures, many find them invaluable. Sales teams are often adept at using brochures to quickly provide detailed information about their products or services. They have the option of directing prospects to a company website but, according to Forbes Magazine, print publications and materials provide customers with a brand experience that is impossible to replicate online. Brochures give people something they can hold and review. Handouts also provide company details and answer a series of questions.
Some business owners choose printed flyers and brochures because they give customers and prospects a permanent reference. Information stored on a computer or a phone may be lost forever if the device crashes.
Infographics Clarify Information
Sales professionals may use printed infographics as handouts during presentations. They could merely provide a digital version of the material, but offering a printed version adds another dimension to the experience. People are also more likely to remember the data they read from a printed sheet. Some ad executives use large versions of infographics as posters that add even more impact.
Research shows that people retain information better when they obtain it from print rather than a digital device. One study designed to measure readers’ focus tested subjects using e-readers and printed books. Print readers were able to focus better, finished more quickly, and retained much more information. Digital advertising typically reaches the highest number of people but offers a different experience than print media.
Printed Instructions Work for Everyone
In an age when millions are dependent on digital maps and instructions, there are still those who do better with printed instructions. Many people print digital instructions because they are easier to follow than reading a phone or tablet. With that in mind, businesses often use printed instructions in specific areas. For example, they might offer instructions that explain how to leave a review online.
Digital advertising has revolutionized the business world, but companies still rely on print media. Traditional business cards help create great first impressions. Printed infographics put a wealth of information in prospects’ hands. Many organizations also provide customers with easy-to-use printed instructions rather than rely on digital versions.